If you know Adobe Illustrator, you can download the .AI file here.
If you want a print-ready 8.5" x 11" poster you can download it here.
If you want a print-ready 13" x 19" poster you can download it here.
Hank Green and I teamed up to make a thing. You can see the new design and watch the video (with already over 200,000 views!) on Hank's TikTok account here!
Then follow my account here for more art and videos on the way.
No worries if you're not on the TikTok train. You can also view it here on instagram. (Just tap the white screen to start the video)
If you've already voted, you're a star.
If you haven't, or don't plan on it, or think it doesn't matter... think again.
The image above was created by warping/twisting/distorting the words from the quote below by Hank:
VOTE by TEKSTartist and Hank Green is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at